First TEAMx Workshop
The First TEAMx Workshop took place in Rovereto, Italy, on 28-30 August 2019.
The workshop brought together experts in mountain meteorology and climatology from both the experimental and the numerical modelling communities, and identified the greatest gaps in knowledge that require collaborative research in mountain- and boundary-layer meteorology and climatology, as well as in related disciplines such as air chemistry, alpine ecology, hydrology.
The event was attended by 92 participants from 11 countries. The group photo is available at full resolution and with annotated names.
The programme included a series of discussion sessions (see full list further down). Selected workshop material, mostly consisting of informal discussion summaries, is available.
Hosting institutions
Funding institutions
Discussion A: Air chemistry and atmospheric dispersion modelling
moderated by Thomas Karl and Stephen Mobbs
Topics of interest: Surface fluxes of pollutants and natural trace gases in mountainous areas; Time scales of the transport and chemical reaction of trace gases and aerosols; Exchange of trace gases and aerosols between the boundary layer, the free troposphere and the stratosphere; Air quality monitoring.
Discussion B: Climate processes and changes in mountains
moderated by Elisa Palazzi
Topics of interest: Elevation-dependent climate change; Essential climate variables for mountainous areas; Elevational transects; Regional and convection-permitting climate modelling; Downscaling; Climate change impact modelling; Cross-scale interactions; Uncertainty propagation across scales.
Discussion C: Orographic convection
moderated by Daniel Kirshbaum
Topics of interest: Boundary-layer control of convective pre-conditioning and initiation near mountains; Predictability of orographic convection in convection-permitting models; Parameterization of orographic convection.
Discussion D: Orographic flow dynamics
moderated by Vanda Grubišić
Topics of interest: Foehn-induced turbulence and its impact on surface exchange; Heat and mass exchange induced by internal gravity waves; Advances in orographic drag parameterization.
Discussion E: Land-atmosphere exchange
moderated by Georg Wohlfahrt and Joan Cuxart
Topics of interest: Micrometeorological measurements; Eddy-covariance method; Surface energy balance; Scaling laws in the surface layer; Fluxes of energy, water and carbon; Monitoring of the soil and vegetation status and related processes.
Discussion F: Mountain boundary layer flows
moderated by Stephan De Wekker and Stefano Serafin
Topics of interest: Three-dimensional structure of the mountain boundary layer; Turbulent and advective exchange processes; Vertical extent and time scales of mountain-induced exchange; Convective and stable boundary layers.
Discussion G: Strategy for field experiments
moderated by Vanda Grubišić and Alexandre Paci
Topics of interest: Ground based in-situ measurement and remote sensing of the mountain boundary layer and the free atmosphere over mountains; Airborne measurements; Target areas; Intensive and extended observation periods; Supersites; Useful observational datasets from past field campaigns.
Discussion H: Strategy for modelling experiments
moderated by Jürg Schmidli and Marco Arpagaus
Topics of interest: Model intercomparison experiments; Model diagnostics; Forecast verification; Parameterization development; Data assimilation; Predictability studies.
Scientific organizing committee
Marco Arpagaus, MeteoSwiss
Joan Cuxart, University of the Balearic Islands
Stephan De Wekker, University of Virginia
Vanda Grubišić, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Daniel Kirshbaum, McGill University
Stephen Mobbs, National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Alexandre Paci, Meteo France
Elisa Palazzi, National Research Council of Italy
Mathias Rotach, University of Innsbruck
Stefano Serafin, University of Innsbruck
Dino Zardi, University of Trento
Local organizing committee
Alessia La Micela, University of Trento
Stefano Serafin, University of Innsbruck
Dino Zardi, University of Trento
The workshop was hosted in Rovereto in Palazzo Piomarta, the premises of the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Trento. Address: Corso Bettini 84, Rovereto.