Numerical Modeling Committee

Responsible for coordinating TEAMx modelling experiments.
Details can be found in the Numerical Modeling Plan
Leaders: Stefano Serafin (University of Vienna), Jürg Schmidli (Goethe University Frankfurt)
The Numerical Modelling Committee (NMC) is responsible for coordinating TEAMx modelling experiments and aims to make modelling research in TEAMx truly useful for NWP model development. The current members of the Numerical Modelling Committee are:
- Stefano Serafin, University of Vienna (Chair)
- Jürg Schmidli, Goethe University Frankfurt (Chair)
- Marco Arpagaus, MeteoSwiss
- Brigitta Goger, Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) ETH Zurich
- Tina Katopodes Chow, UC Berkley
- Jason Knievel, NCAR-RAL
- Martin Köhler, DWD
- Gudrun Nina Petersen, Icelandic Met Office
- Irina Sandu, ECMWF
- Yann Seity, Meteo France
- Annelize Van Niekerk, Met Office
- Christoph Wittmann, GeoSphere Austria
- Ivana Stiperski, University of Innsbruck
- Stephan De Wekker, University of Virginia
Field Observations Committee

Responsible for planning the TEAMx Observational Campaign.
Details can be found in the Field Observation Plan
Leader: Mathias Rotach (University of Innsbruck)
The Field Observations Committee (FOC) is responsible for the initial design and planning of the main TEAMx Observational Campaign (TOC). Field Observation Plan. After completing the Field Observations Plan, the Field Observations Committee is no longer active. The practical implementation of the TOC is continued by the Task Team Implementation Plan. The former members of the Field Observations Committee were:
- Mathias Rotach, University of Innsbruck (Chair)
- Kathrin Baumann-Stanzer, GeoSphere
- Maxime Hervo, MeteoSwiss
- Daniel Kirshbaum, McGill University
- Manuela Lehner, University of Innsbruck
- Stephen Mobbs/Charles Chemel, National Centre for Atmospheric Science
- Alexandre Paci, Meteo France
- Silvana di Sabatino, University of Bologna
- Hannes Vogelmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Helen Ward, University of Innsbruck
- Andreas Wieser, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Norman Wildmann, DLR
- Dino Zardi, University of Trento