

KITcube is the advanced integrated atmospheric observation system of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (IMK-TRO: Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Department Troposphere).

The KITcube mobile facility can be operated worldwide. It combines high resolution measurements of scanning remote sensing systems (Doppler lidars, cloud and rain radars, humidity and temperature profilers, sun photometer, sodar, scintillometer, GPS-based integrated water vapour and cloud camera systems) with classical in situ instruments on towers and balloons. Fully coordinated scans allow for studies of convection, clouds and precipitation.

KITcube also includes an observatory for continuous monitoring (KITcube home), located in Karlsruhe.

Comprenhensive information about KITcube can be found here:

An overview of the facility and of its first deployment during the HyMeX programme is available here:

KITcube is funded by the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren (HGF, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres). The project is run by the working group “Land Surfaces and Boundary Layer” and led by Norbert Kalthoff at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, IMK-TRO.