The Sonnblick Observatory (SBO)
The ZAMG Sonnblick Observatory (SBO) is a high-altitude research station in the Austrian Alps at the border of the provinces Salzburg and Carinthia at an altitude of 3106 m. Established in 1886, the SBO provides climatological time series of more than 130 years. Environmental monitoring started in the 1980s. The SBO research program ENVISON (Environmental Research and Monitoring Sonnblick) connects atmosphere, cryosphere and biosphere research. Due to an outstanding cooperation with our partners the SBO can provide free monitoring data for research purposes. The Sonnblick Observatory is part of several international measuring networks, such as GAW, GACW, BSRN, NDACC, ACTRIS, etc.
The Sonnblick Observatory is a research platform which can be used by various scientists for their research interests. The SBO team support measuring campaigns and projects at the station and the surrounding Mt. Hoher Sonnblick. The station can be reached quickly and safely via the SBO’s private cable car. This cable car can also be used for scientific measurements, especially for profiles from 1500-3100 m, as for our radiosondes and aerosolsondes.
Comprenhensive information about the Sonnblick Observatory can be found here:
The Sonnblick Observatory is operated by the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG). Monitoring activities are carried out by the TU Vienna, Enviromental Agency Austria, BOKU, KIT and DLR, among others. The contact person is the head of the observatory Elke Ludewig at ZAMG.