TEAMx splinter meeting

The TEAMx programme and applications webinar took place on Wednesday 6 May 2020. The meeting was originally scheduled as a side event of the 2020 EGU General Assembly in Vienna, namely session SMP4. Due to the cancellation of the conference, we opted for holding the TEAMx event in webinar form independently of EGU. The meeting was hosted by the Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences of the University of Innsbruck (ACINN) on the video communication platform Zoom.

The purpose of the webinar was to introduce TEAMx to the wider community and establish links between TEAMx research in mountain meteorology and related disciplines. Each of the ten speakers presented on key issues related to mountain meteorology in their field, highlighting critical knowledge or capabilities that are currently lacking. This helped to identify cruicial atmospheric variables that need to be measured or simulated in TEAMx, and at what accuracy and resolution they would be needed to improve predictive capabilities.


Time Speaker Title
09:00 Mathias Rotach
University of Innsbruck
TEAMx and its relation to applications in Earth system modelling
09:25 Massimiliano Zappa
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Mountain hydrology
09:45 Helen Ward
University of Innsbruck
Current challenges and future research priorities for urban areas in complex terrain
10:05 Dietmar Öttl
Government of Styria
Air pollution modelling in highly complex terrain: The GRAMM/GRAL modelling system
10:25 Jürg Schweizer
WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF
Improving avalanche forecasting: requirements and challenges
11:00 Thomas Gerz
Wind energy in complex terrain: The Perdigão-2017 Campaign in Portugal
11:20 Stephanie Fiedler
University of Cologne
On the role of complex terrain for aerosol burden
11:40 Herbert Pümpel
Aviation Meteorology: New challenges in advising an industry in transformation
12:00 Benedikt Bica
Recent experiences in event forecasting and connections to TEAMx from ZAMG perspective
12:20 Georg Wohlfahrt
University of Innsbruck
What TEAMx can do for mountain ecology